Olive oil has many amazing uses and is a confirmed superfood among most wellness experts after some demonization during the low-fat era. It’s uses go far beyond the kitchen! But can I use olive oil to remove eye makeup, you ask? Yes, absolutely!
Olive oil is a safe, inexpensive and effective eye makeup remover. It contains vitamin E and fatty acids, giving it moisturizing and anti-aging properties.

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My journey with olive oil as skin care started about a decade ago when I was using argon oil as a moisturizer but wanted to find a cheaper alternative. I started searching for low-cost oils that doubled for skin care and came across coconut oil and olive oil.
I used coconut oil for about a year until I read that it was comedogenic, meaning it can clog pores. Honestly, I don’t remember it being much of an issue, but I’m always on the lookout for something better, so I switched over to olive oil.
Will Olive Oil Clog My Pores?
Olive oil is unlikely to clog your pores. A comedogenic rating means how likely something is to clog your pores. The lower the rating the less likely it is to clog your pores. Coconut oil has a comedogenic rating of 4 while olive oil has a comedogenic rating of 2.
When toying around with DIY skincare, it’s a good idea to do quick google search for the comedogenic rating to be safe, especially if you have acne prone skin.
Why Use Olive Oil to Remove Eye Makeup?
Olive oil is a natural oil that is produced by grinding olives so there are no surprise ingredients! It saves you from having to do an ingredient check on the latest popular skincare brand. Using olive oil is a sustainable option especially if you are using glass bottles.
Olive oil is packed with healthy vitamins, fats and antioxidants, so it’s good for skin in general. Many sources suggest it offers anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties when used topically.
As a frugal person, I love that I can buy a fairly large bottle of organic olive oil for the same price as a small bottle of makeup remover.
How to Use Olive Oil to Remove Eye Makeup?
The easiest way to use olive oil to remove eye makeup is to buy a small container or transfer some to a small container. I store mine in an old Argon oil glass pump bottle, and it works perfectly.
I apply one squirt onto a cotton ball and apply to my eyes. Cotton rounds also work great. To remove mascara specifically, it may take about three wipes to completely remove it all. Each wipe is a bit gentler as the oil begins to loosen the mascara.
If you happen to get a little olive oil in your eyes, it’s no biggie. Olive oil works just as well as traditional makeup remover IMHO.
Other Skincare Uses for Olive Oil
In addition to being a great eye makeup remover including eye shadow, mascara and eye liner, I like to use olive oil as a moisturizer as well. It is a heavy oil, so you won’t need much to moisturize your entire face.
Many people like to wash their face or removed foundation with olive oil. I have done this a few times, but I don’t do this regularly as I tend to have oily skin rather than dry. I think these strategies would work great for those with normal to dry skin.
Another option is to pick up an olive oil soap bar that offers similar cleansing and moisturizing benefits as pure olive oil. For more safe and gentle options, check out my non-toxic face wash post.

What Is the Difference Between Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Regular Olive Oil?
According to Harvard Health, extra-virgin olive oil utilizes ripe olives without the use of high heat or chemical solvents. This protects compounds in the oil called polyphenols, which are beneficial for health and longevity. Cheaper versions of olive oil lose some of these powerful compounds during processing.
Essentially, extra virgin olive oil is the most natural and potent form of olive oil.
What is the Difference Between Filtered and Unfiltered Olive Oil?
I can’t tell you how many times I have googled this, forgotten the answer and had to google it again while in the grocery store. Maybe it will stick this time as I think of it in relation to skincare.
According to EXAU a family-owned Italian olive oil brand, unfiltered olive oil contains bits of olive segments and leftover water from the manufacturing process making it higher in polyphenols.
On the downside, unfiltered olive oil is not shelf stable for as long as filtered olive oil, so it will go rancid at a quicker pace. If you use olive oil very quickly as I do, this may not be an issue for you.
Filtered olive oil goes through a filtering process as the name suggests. This process removes the leftover olive bits and water making it a more process product that is shelf-stable for a longer period of time.
Based on these differences, I tend to lean towards filtered olive oil for skincare since it contains fewer pore-clogging particles. For cooking, I learn towards unfiltered olive oil, since it is higher in polyphenols, but I wouldn’t get hung up on these small details!
Should I Buy Organic Olive Oil?
If you can, yes. Herbicide use has dramatically increased in recent decades in the growing of olives, and it’s always a good idea to support organic farming practices when you can. My local grocery store carries a 16 oz, organic olive oil for just $7.00, so it’s not cost prohibitive in my case.
It’s also a good idea to buy olive oil in a glass jar rather than plastic to avoid contamination from BPA and BPS, which can leach into food products. There are some health-conscious brands like Pompeian who use BPA and BPS free plastic.
Can I Use Olive Oil to Remove Eye Makeup?
Yes, you can absolutely use olive oil to remove eye makeup! It’s safe, inexpensive and effective. As added incentive, if you use olive oil for cooking, you never have to worry about running out of eye makeup remover.