What exactly is clean living?
If you type in “clean living” to the Google search bar, you’ll get a wide range of descriptions. For some, it’s the absence of tobacco and alcohol, for others it means having a low impact on the planet. You will even find spiritual/moral definitions for clean living.

While the phrase “clean living” can take you into many different spaces, my blog focuses on a plant-rich, whole food diet (so, yes, clean eating) as well as a low-toxin environment and wholesome lifestyle. Some people refer to this as a non-toxic lifestyle or non-toxic living.
This blog focuses on the ideals, values and strategies that align with the Blue Zones from their whole food Mediterranean Diet to their naturally active lifestyle to the value they place on community. The practice of functional medicine is also a fundamental part of clean living.
Hopefully, this provides a little clarification on the name.
One thing that I hope stands out about is that I always strive to provide doable, real-life ideas and solutions for average people and not things that can only be done if you have an endless budget. Most of us lead full, busy lives and do not have endless resources. We’re all just doing the best we can with the knowledge and means that we have.
Suggestions on this blog tend to be more real-life hacks and simple improvements (hints the name, Plain and Simple) than elaborate displays of perfection. I will always strive to offer multiple options depending on where a reader is in their journey as well as what budget they are working with.
Why Clean Living?
Each year, evidence that our lifestyle choices determine our health more than anything grows—yes, even more than genetics in many cases. Research is showing us just how much control we have over disease and illness and that we even have the ability to turn genes on and off (wow!). This can be frightening and empowering all at the same time.

While I do not pretend to be an expert on genetics or any other type of science, I absolutely love learning and spend hours each day learning from the best of the best in the fields of wellness and longevity. As a trained journalist, I will always provide a link to the scientific source or credentialed expert when sharing information.
I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible power that using food as medicine and cultivating a low-toxin lifestyle has provided for my family and have a deep desire to share it with others.
Some of my favorite experts are Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. William Li, who have inspired my lifestyle and now my blog. If you need me, I will just be over here sipping green tea and listening to wellness podcasts so that I can share the best information on the planet with you.
I humbly invite you will join me on this clean-living journey.